St. Joseph’s College | Chamber Music and Afternoon Jazz

AFTERNOON JAZZ Sun 4/2/2017 – 3 pm Wed 4/5/2017 – 1 pm J.D. Parran, The Rhythm of the Song Featured Guest Artist Rosemary George with Alexi Marcelo (keyboard) and Andrew Drury (drums) St. Joseph’s College The Parlors Tuohy Hall 245 Clinton Avenue All events are free and open to the public. For more information, email…

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  • A Master Class by Rosemary George

    Rosemary George will be launching her first digital, on- line Lecture for the 75th Anniversary of the Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2022. Hiding Behind the Mask: Jesters, Jokers, and Clowns, will be available through C ARTS from 5 August onwards, and at from 4 – 29 August 2022.
    The direct booking link to my lecture is:
    Hiding Behind the Mask is divided into two parts and revolves around the hidden meanings and philosophies from ancient Greek Theatre, commedia dell’arte, film, television, and slapstick. From Japanese Noh Theatre to Western Opera and beyond, the world of drama has discovered a way to hide the realities and truths from themselves, and the world around them. New York Music Professor Rosemary George will uncover the world of hidden identities through the joys
    and sorrows, and the comedy and tragedies of life through the lens of theatrical masks.
  • For A Full Bibliography: